You are writing a report in the category
Fraud, breach of trust, embezzlement or theft
Fraud occurs when employees deceive in legal dealings (misrepresentation or distortion or suppression of true facts) in order to obtain an unlawful pecuniary advantage for themselves or a third party.

Claiming travel expenses already reimbursed by a third party, manipulation in the recording of working hours. Caution: Fraud may also be present if the pecuniary advantage goes to a third party, e.g. the University!

Breach of trust occurs when employees abuse their authority to dispose of University assets or violate their duty to look after the University's property interests.

Employees entrusted with payroll improperly divert funds or fail to assert an existing, outstanding claim against a University vendor.

occurs when employees take property entrusted to them without authorization.

occurs when employees appropriate another's property with the intent to unlawfully enrich themselves.

Employees steal chemicals, cleaning materials or office supplies for their own use.

How would you like to submit your report?

In any case, after submitting your report, you will be shown automatically generated access data to respond to any queries and to view the progress of the processing.

Please describe the incident

Optional: Voice message

As an alternative or supplement to "Your message", you can record a voice message. You can record up to 5 voice messages. Each voice message can be 3 minutes long.
Record voice message


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